Columbus Steel

XCr is an innovative, high grade stainless steel tubing set.
Exclusive and unique characteristic for the whole bike industry of the new Columbus XCr set, is that the stainless steel tubes are seamless, made starting from a solid billet, machine-perforated and cold drawn countless times, to obtain the final required thickness. In this way the very high mechanical characteristics are uniform and constant in the whole round section of the tube.
Thanks to the special chemical composition of this new alloy, the grain structure is not altered by welding during the frame construction.
The maximum characteristics are granted also in the joint areas.
- Mechanical characteristics: UTS: 1350-1250MPa Ys:1000-900MPa, Ap5: >10%
- Suggested filler material for TIG welding: APX4S
- Suggested material for brazing: T99 (ag 56% Cu 22% - Zn 17%)
Omnicrom is the culmination of a long journey, began more than 30 years ago, started with the collaboration of Columbus with the Institute de Soudure de Paris. It all starts with the latest low-carbon Chromium-Molybdenum Steel alloys used today in the aerospace industry matched with the benefits of Vanadium and a highly controlled alloy composition.
Omnicrom alloy is refined and refuse, without any inclusion, with a highly controlled crystalline structure that ensures unprecedented welding experience, with a smooth and predictable behavior.
Moreover, the centenarian experience of Columbus is the cold-0drawing plastic transformation, is able to furtherly improve Omnicrom's impressive mechanical properties, with increased yield strength resilience, for an enhanced and long lasting riding experience.
- Mechanical characteristics:UTS = 1300 MPa, Ys>920 MPa, Ap5>15%
- Suggested material for TIG welding: OK TIGROD 13.12 (AWS 5.28 ER 80s-G)
- Suggested material for brazing: Castoline Silver Alloy 38230
25CrMo4 seamless steel: the chemical composition of this steel, specifying a higher percentage of Chromium, gives to the material good resistance properties to overheating. The formation of carbides prevents the grain enlargement: the steel maintains its properties during brazing and welding, even in the malleable raw state it features excellent mechanical characteristics.
- Mechanical characteristics: UTS=800MPa, Ys=760MPa, Ap5 =12%
- Suggested filler material for TIG welding: OK TIGROD 13.12 (AWS 5.28 ER 80S-G)
- Suggested material for brazing: Castoline Silver Alloy 38230
Columbus 25CrMo4 is utilized for the production of the Zona, 29r and FAT tubesets.
Columbus Cromor is a 25CrMo4 steel, welded and cold drawn, butted to variable thicknesses using shaped mandrills. Cromor steel is produced starting from a calibrated tube which has already received two drawing processes, before being reinforced in all the possible variable thickness offered by the range.
- Mechanical characteristics: UTS=750MPa, Ys=700MPa, Ap5 ≥ 12%
- Suggested material for TIG welding: OK TIGROD 13.12 (AWS 5.28 ER 80S-G)
- Suggested material for brazing: Castoline Silver Alloy 38230
Learn about the Columbus Tube Families HERE.